Suncoast Seminar Sponsor Registration
Sponsorship levels:
$3000 Diamond Level
- Promotional material will be placed on the tables of the sponsored lunch on Saturday.
- A banner with your company name displayed in prominent location.
- Sponsoring of a meal noted in our brochure (preference given in order of when payment is received).
- Invitation to set up an exhibit table.
- Mention in sponsor section of our brochure, to be emailed to all Florida licensed optometrists and listed on the POA website.
$1500 Gold Level
- A banner with the name of your company displayed in prominent location.
- Sponsoring of a break noted in our brochure (preference given in order of when payment is received).
- Invitation to set up an exhibit table.
- Mention in sponsor section of our brochure, to be emailed to all Florida licensed optometrists and listed on the POA website.
$750 Silver Level
- Invitation to set up an exhibit table.
- Mention in sponsor section of our brochure, to be emailed to all Florida licensed optometrists and listed on the POA website.
$300 Bronze Level
- Mention in sponsor section of our brochure, to be emailed to all Florida licensed optometrists and listed on the POA website.